Set & Enforce 

Healthy Boundaries

Set & Enforce Healthy Boundaries

Boundaries define where one person ends and another person begins. In relationships, they express your limits and expectations and how you want others to treat you. People do not inherently know your boundaries, so you must define them clearly for others. Boundaries are also about self-respect and not allowing others to mistreat you. 


In healthy families, healthy boundaries facilitate the following:

Types of Healthy Boundaries

Boundaries are a form of self-care and self-respect. You can set and enforce different types of boundaries to ensure healthy relationships:

Strong Boundary Statements

If you have tried to set boundaries with family members and have had no success, it is time to begin using strong boundary statements if you feel it is safe to do so. When “No!” or “Stop!” doesn’t work with your family members, you need to use assertive boundary statements that will clearly let them know where they stop and where you start:


When using strong boundary statements, make sure your tone and body language indicate a desire to improve the relationship and not pick a fight. Your goal is to be respectful while communicating how you want to be treated for your own self-respect. 

—Excerpt from: The Toxic Family Solution, Steven Todd Bryant, Footlight Press Books, 2023
